Friday, 15 July 2016

Dream Diary #107: Point of No Return

Myself and a friend were taking a walk through the woods together. She lived on one side of the woods, and I lived on the other. We hadn't seen each other for a while so we had a lot to talk about.

At first, everything was fine but things took a creepy turn when we started to suspect that we were being followed. Just to be sure, we meandered through the trees, to try and trick our pursuers - and sure enough they followed. 

It turns out they were hunters, but to them, my friend and I looked like mythical creatures that they had come into the woods to hunt down. 

Once again, my friend and I ran through the woods in an attempt to lose them, but no matter where we went, the hunter's followed close behind.

My friend confessed there was a way out of the situation, but she didn't mention it earlier because if we go through with it, there was no going back - if we followed the path right to the other side of the woods, where she lived, the hunters would not be able to find us, but we also wouldn't be able to go back. I wouldn't be able to go back to my old life. 

At first I was scared but we held one another's hand as we ran full-force down the path and through to the other side of the woods. 

We emerged in a sleepy little town and my fear quickly turned into excitement. My friend took me to her home that she told me was a 'homeless shelter' but looked more like a luxury hotel. The shelter was populated, not with people who were 'homeless' per se, but by those who were no longer suited to their old life, but had not yet grown into their future life and needed a place to crash while they worked out the finer details.

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