Sunday 18 June 2017

Dream Diary #124: The Real Deal

I was working as an actress and during the filming of the movie I'd been hired for I had been put up in a beautiful hotel suite that overlooked a gorgeous, colourful forest with mountains in the distance. The suite was like a small - but luxurious - apartment, complete with a dining and lounge area and I looked around unable to believe how lucky I was to be housed there.

Even more exciting to me was that the views outside offered me a chance to use my camera for some new and exciting photography; just a quick scan of the landscape using the zoom function confirmed the many images I could potentially capture!

However, each time I pressed the button to take a picture the camera jammed and a message flashed up on the screen saying the 'camera was tired of taking photographs' and to 'try again later'. I tried again and the same thing happened. 

Frustrated that some of my potentially most amazing photographs had eluded me due to my 'lazy' camera, I threw it onto the ground and proceeded to stomp on it! After a couple of stomps, I realised it was no longer my camera on the floor, but a doll? This didn't stop me from taking my anger out on it, I continued putting my foot down until the doll was destroyed. 

A short while later, after I'd had a chance to calm down, the rest of the cast, including the leading man, started arriving. I recognised the cast from an existing movie and I realised that it was the movie we were shooting (though mountainous woodland was completely the wrong landscape!) 

I was excited to meet and spend time with the actor playing the leading man as I was looking forward to sharing the suite with an attractive man and being romanced, even if it would be simulated for the purpose of building chemistry for the movie. 

He was very animated and talkative when everyone else was around, but when it was just he and I left in the hotel suite he suddenly clammed up, and was only interested in looking at his phone rather then talking to and getting to know me.

That's when I remembered that the actor during the movie in question quite famously slept on a boat during production and a quick glance out of the window confirmed that there was a houseboat on the nearby lake and suddenly the idea of being 'fake' romanced didn't seem quite so appealing; I wanted the real deal. 

I found myself wishing he'd just hurry up and go, but when he didn't, I abruptly excused myself from the hotel suite - only going back in briefly to poke my head round the door to say I was leaving.