Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Dream Diary #106: I Predict A Riot

I was running late for my bus and could see it approaching from further down the road as I dashed into a local shop to get change for my bus fare.

The cashier behind the counter was an old acquaintance to me within the dream, and sort of resembled an old work colleague of mine. She engaged me in conversation, making me temporarily forget that I was running behind.

When I finished my purchase and was about to leave the shop, I couldn't believe my eyes; the entire street outside had just descended into chaos and mayhem!

There were people starting fires and destroying property everywhere. I'd never seen anything like it before in my life.

My bus pulled up and quickly sped off before any rioters could get on, but I didn't care as I knew it was too risky to go outside.

Luckily, the cashier and the rest of the staff let me take temporary refuge in the shop while we waited for the trouble to die down. We stood observing through the window.

The entire front of the shop was one big glass window pane that could easily have been broken but nobody seemed concerned or worried. Strangely, no-one attempted to come inside the shop either. 

Eventually the trouble did start to ease off and so when I saw another bus pull up outside I decided to take it, even though it was far too late to go to my original destination.

Instead, I just took a leisurely trip into the countryside to enjoy nature and the rural surroundings. I began to notice that other's seemed to have followed my example and were taking the same path that I had created. It felt a bit creepy and weird at first but then it made me so happy that I could feel myself getting lighter and lighter until I felt as though I could fly.

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