Tell me, why do lovers have to leave
I know it happens all the time
And it's so sad, cause this time it's you and me
I know I'm losing you but I just can't believe it, baby
--Forever, Tina Cousins
I know it happens all the time
And it's so sad, cause this time it's you and me
I know I'm losing you but I just can't believe it, baby
--Forever, Tina Cousins
Oh, wow. The fourth part of this piece has taken longer to write than I first thought it would. In part, because re-living the thoughts, emotions and experiences I had in the latter half of 2015 has been more difficult than I thought it would be.
But also, because each and every time a large scale tragedy hits the headlines I feel an incredible need to reach out to my Love, and yet I can never bring myself to do so. Since he and I 'went into separation' there have been terror attacks in Paris, Belgium and at the time of writing this piece, the more recent shootings in Orlando.
I think because it's one thing to have your innocuous attempts at communication go unanswered, ignored and rebuffed, but to have a genuine need to reach out to and connect with a fellow human being during times that shake you and remind you of the fragility of life met with complete and utter silence and rejection, is something else entirely.
Actually, now that I've written that down I realise how silly that sounds; life is fragile and not only should it not take a large scale tragedy to remind you of that, but also it should be perfectly okay to reach out to someone and tell them that you love them without the expectation of them saying it back.
Suffice it to say, after I received his email, I reacted about as well as you'd expect someone whose entire hopes, dreams and wishes for the future had been snatched from right under their feet.
The silence that occurs between twin flames serves to quieten the Ego, to make the Ego realise it is not in charge, giving Intuition a chance to step in and provide guidance... and my Ego quietened with about as much grace and ease as a cat being forced into a bath-tub full of water.
I bombarded him with emails, demanding answers. Why did he think 'it was best'? What had made him feel that way? Why would he just decide to end our relationship without giving me a chance to explain or defend myself? Why wouldn't he hear me out first before making such a drastic decision?
I tried to explain that I had experienced an anxiety attack which had caused me to act erratically and in direct opposition with how I felt. I feel bad about that now, but at the time it was the closest thing to a 'rational' explanation that I had.
I emailed him a copy of the letters I'd sent him and begged and pleaded for him to let me know if he'd read them, just for my own sanity and peace of mind, which to my shock and surprise, he did!
He apologised for being 'incommunicado', his tone casual and lighthearted, as if he had no concept of what I had been going through, just to make contact with him. He went on to explain that my failure to return had made him sick and as a result he'd taken a break from the internet in order to 'cut down on the stressors.'
His words made me feel rotten inside. I'd been so caught up in my own pain that I hadn't even thought about what he might've been going through.
I knew that my behaviour had completely contradicted everything that I'd verbalised to him but I truly, truly, truly thought he knew that I was definitely returning.
I had paid the equivalent of thirteen hundred dollars for our new home together - why would I pay a sum of money like that for a place I never planned upon living in?
And in regards to my admission of my having experienced an anxiety attack? He simply said, 'Sorry you had an anxiety attack' - just like that.
This was a man who'd fretted over every sniffle and sneeze of mine for years; a man who'd made me gargle salt water before bed when I developed a cough due to not being used to the AC, a man who'd carefully applied bite cream to the backs of my legs when I'd forgotten to bring bug repellent during our first week together.
And now he said, 'Sorry you had an anxiety attack', like it was nothing. Like I was nothing.
What had I done? I hadn't intended for any of this to happen. I'd come home temporarily to heal my relationship, not destroy it!
And I know it sounds completely crazy, to think that I thought I could act like a complete and utter fool and that he would just accept it, but that's honestly where my line of thinking was. I knew he'd understand. He would definitely understand, there was just no way he wouldn't understand.
No matter how many times I asked him, no matter how I worded it, he would not tell me why he felt the way he did.
Knowing what I know now, I think he wouldn't tell me because he didn't know why he felt the way he did. I still don't think he knows.
At this point, I was already experiencing some pretty crazy symptoms that I couldn't really explain. My core body temperature had risen and no matter how much I showered or bathed I was constantly clammy, sweaty and greasy. I was always exhausted, no matter how much I slept.
I even experienced weird food cravings, most notably an insatiable desire for protein in the form of raw eggs and meat - which was truly bizarre after having been a Pescatarian (eating fish, but no meat) for well over a decade.
This symptom in particular had already manifested whilst I was still in the US as my Love watched in amazement as I threw away all of my well-discussed Pescatarian beliefs in an instant as I ordered a greasy chicken burger from a restaurant.
After he emailed me, however, my body went into overdrive.
I went to bed every night, convulsing and shaking with this weird 'heavy' feeling in the pit of my stomach, that I could only describe as the need to... 'confess', something?
His words rattled around inside my head, taunting me, "I'm just very disappointed... very disappointed... disappointed... you're a disappointment... a disappointment...'
Something deep within me was screaming out, 'I am not a disappointment! I am a good person! I am funny, creative, loving and kind... not a disappointment - I'm not!' But how was I ever supposed to show that to him, if he wouldn't even listen?
In frustration, I wrote An Open Letter right here on this very blog, desperate to find a way to get the feelings on the inside of me, outside. I entitled it 'open letter' but in truth I never actually expected him to read it. I still don't know if he did. I just wrote until the early hours of the morning, pressed the 'publish' button, then collapsed into an exhausted heap.
Later, I recognised that heavy feeling as the need to 'purge.'
I cried constantly. And not just ordinary crying, either. Have you ever heard an infant cry for a prolonged period of time because the parent is unable to pick it up and comfort it? The crying was like that - visceral, primal. It was like a cry from deep within my soul.
The silence that occurs between twin flames serves to quieten the Ego, to make the Ego realise it is not in charge, giving Intuition a chance to step in and provide guidance... and my Ego quietened with about as much grace and ease as a cat being forced into a bath-tub full of water.
I bombarded him with emails, demanding answers. Why did he think 'it was best'? What had made him feel that way? Why would he just decide to end our relationship without giving me a chance to explain or defend myself? Why wouldn't he hear me out first before making such a drastic decision?
I tried to explain that I had experienced an anxiety attack which had caused me to act erratically and in direct opposition with how I felt. I feel bad about that now, but at the time it was the closest thing to a 'rational' explanation that I had.
I emailed him a copy of the letters I'd sent him and begged and pleaded for him to let me know if he'd read them, just for my own sanity and peace of mind, which to my shock and surprise, he did!
He apologised for being 'incommunicado', his tone casual and lighthearted, as if he had no concept of what I had been going through, just to make contact with him. He went on to explain that my failure to return had made him sick and as a result he'd taken a break from the internet in order to 'cut down on the stressors.'
His words made me feel rotten inside. I'd been so caught up in my own pain that I hadn't even thought about what he might've been going through.
I knew that my behaviour had completely contradicted everything that I'd verbalised to him but I truly, truly, truly thought he knew that I was definitely returning.
I had paid the equivalent of thirteen hundred dollars for our new home together - why would I pay a sum of money like that for a place I never planned upon living in?
And in regards to my admission of my having experienced an anxiety attack? He simply said, 'Sorry you had an anxiety attack' - just like that.
This was a man who'd fretted over every sniffle and sneeze of mine for years; a man who'd made me gargle salt water before bed when I developed a cough due to not being used to the AC, a man who'd carefully applied bite cream to the backs of my legs when I'd forgotten to bring bug repellent during our first week together.
And now he said, 'Sorry you had an anxiety attack', like it was nothing. Like I was nothing.
What had I done? I hadn't intended for any of this to happen. I'd come home temporarily to heal my relationship, not destroy it!
And I know it sounds completely crazy, to think that I thought I could act like a complete and utter fool and that he would just accept it, but that's honestly where my line of thinking was. I knew he'd understand. He would definitely understand, there was just no way he wouldn't understand.
No matter how many times I asked him, no matter how I worded it, he would not tell me why he felt the way he did.
Knowing what I know now, I think he wouldn't tell me because he didn't know why he felt the way he did. I still don't think he knows.
At this point, I was already experiencing some pretty crazy symptoms that I couldn't really explain. My core body temperature had risen and no matter how much I showered or bathed I was constantly clammy, sweaty and greasy. I was always exhausted, no matter how much I slept.
I even experienced weird food cravings, most notably an insatiable desire for protein in the form of raw eggs and meat - which was truly bizarre after having been a Pescatarian (eating fish, but no meat) for well over a decade.
This symptom in particular had already manifested whilst I was still in the US as my Love watched in amazement as I threw away all of my well-discussed Pescatarian beliefs in an instant as I ordered a greasy chicken burger from a restaurant.
After he emailed me, however, my body went into overdrive.
I went to bed every night, convulsing and shaking with this weird 'heavy' feeling in the pit of my stomach, that I could only describe as the need to... 'confess', something?
His words rattled around inside my head, taunting me, "I'm just very disappointed... very disappointed... disappointed... you're a disappointment... a disappointment...'
Something deep within me was screaming out, 'I am not a disappointment! I am a good person! I am funny, creative, loving and kind... not a disappointment - I'm not!' But how was I ever supposed to show that to him, if he wouldn't even listen?
In frustration, I wrote An Open Letter right here on this very blog, desperate to find a way to get the feelings on the inside of me, outside. I entitled it 'open letter' but in truth I never actually expected him to read it. I still don't know if he did. I just wrote until the early hours of the morning, pressed the 'publish' button, then collapsed into an exhausted heap.
Later, I recognised that heavy feeling as the need to 'purge.'
I cried constantly. And not just ordinary crying, either. Have you ever heard an infant cry for a prolonged period of time because the parent is unable to pick it up and comfort it? The crying was like that - visceral, primal. It was like a cry from deep within my soul.
I cried myself into dehydration over and over again. I cried so hard I actually 'ran out of' snot and some other watery bodily fluid that burned the inside of my nose and smelled and tasted like chlorine came out instead.
At my lowest point, I could feel a crying fit coming on but I didn't have the privacy I needed to unleash it so I locked myself in the bathroom, sat down on the floor, and bawled my eyes out, covering my mouth with my hands to conceal the literal howls being released from deep within my body.
His behaviour was completely alien to me. He'd never even shown anger towards me before and now I felt like he hated me!
I truly thought he trying to psychologically destroy me.
Now, I never actually attempted suicide, but that morning, leaning against the bath-tub, my eyes puffy and red and streaming with tears, 'substitute' snot pouring from my nose and into my mouth, I thought, "Is this it? Is this all I'm meant for?"
Even if I could get over losing him, even if I could ever forgive myself for leaving, even if I could ever open up and become vulnerable enough to have a relationship with someone else in the future, if I was just going to get ditched the moment I showed any kind of weakness or flaw anyway...what was the point?
Seriously, what was the point?
I thought about the ways in which I would do it: overdose? If it failed, I could end up with damaged vital organs. Throwing myself into the path of a moving vehicle? If I lived through it, I could end up paralysed, or having to have limbs amputated. Slitting my wrists? What if it didn't work and just ended up with severed nerves and tendons, rendering me unable to write or draw? Then where would I be?
So, there you have it ladies and gentleman of the jury - I am still alive today, not because of the love I feel for my family, or even the love for my twin flame. No, I am alive because of my crippling fear of failure; I had failed at life, and I was afraid of failing at death, too.
Strangely enough, it was later that day that he reached out to me, without any nudging from me. He responded to an e-mail I'd sent, asking if he wanted to remote-watch a movie together, like we'd done before in the past. I'd sent the e-mail without any expectation that he'd actually respond, and I had forgotten that I'd even sent it. He said that, yes, he would like to remote-watch a movie together, and thus began a period of time I now refer to as the 'two week window'.
In all reality, it was more like three weeks, but the first weekend we arranged to watch a movie, he didn't show. As it was in keeping with his current behaviour towards me and I was very sick that weekend I didn't think too much of it. He did get back in touch to apologise and re-arrange, and for a couple of weeks it seemed as though the invisible barriers that had come up between us had lowered, finally.
And you'd think that after all I'd been through just to communicate with him, I'd be all over him demanding answers, explanations. To tell you the truth, I was just so happy and relieved to talk to him again that none of all that other stuff seemed to matter.
While we were watching movies together I placed my hand on my laptop screen, comforted by the fact that he was there on the other end of the chat box.
For a short time it was like old times again. Our communication was still a little reserved, but we still managed to have some genuine 'lol's and 'haha' moments. He even asked me questions like 'what was my favourite movie directed by a woman' which baffled me; he didn't want me to return home to him, but he was still interested in my thoughts and opinions?
The 'two week window' came to an abrupt end when I got a job interview that required me to show my birth certificate, which I'd left in the US, as proof of my identity and nationality. I had genuine reasons for asking him to send it to me, but I guess from his perspective it must have looked like I had lied about having any intention of returning or something because all I got from him was an abrupt, overly hostile three word response stating that 'Yes (he had it) and, yes (he'd send it to me).' And that was it. That was the last time I ever spoke to him.
To this day, I still don't know what had made him feel like he could talk to me or why he felt like he had to shut down again.
And I never did receive my birth certificate.
Strangely enough, it was later that day that he reached out to me, without any nudging from me. He responded to an e-mail I'd sent, asking if he wanted to remote-watch a movie together, like we'd done before in the past. I'd sent the e-mail without any expectation that he'd actually respond, and I had forgotten that I'd even sent it. He said that, yes, he would like to remote-watch a movie together, and thus began a period of time I now refer to as the 'two week window'.
In all reality, it was more like three weeks, but the first weekend we arranged to watch a movie, he didn't show. As it was in keeping with his current behaviour towards me and I was very sick that weekend I didn't think too much of it. He did get back in touch to apologise and re-arrange, and for a couple of weeks it seemed as though the invisible barriers that had come up between us had lowered, finally.
And you'd think that after all I'd been through just to communicate with him, I'd be all over him demanding answers, explanations. To tell you the truth, I was just so happy and relieved to talk to him again that none of all that other stuff seemed to matter.
While we were watching movies together I placed my hand on my laptop screen, comforted by the fact that he was there on the other end of the chat box.
For a short time it was like old times again. Our communication was still a little reserved, but we still managed to have some genuine 'lol's and 'haha' moments. He even asked me questions like 'what was my favourite movie directed by a woman' which baffled me; he didn't want me to return home to him, but he was still interested in my thoughts and opinions?
The 'two week window' came to an abrupt end when I got a job interview that required me to show my birth certificate, which I'd left in the US, as proof of my identity and nationality. I had genuine reasons for asking him to send it to me, but I guess from his perspective it must have looked like I had lied about having any intention of returning or something because all I got from him was an abrupt, overly hostile three word response stating that 'Yes (he had it) and, yes (he'd send it to me).' And that was it. That was the last time I ever spoke to him.
To this day, I still don't know what had made him feel like he could talk to me or why he felt like he had to shut down again.
And I never did receive my birth certificate.
I actually stumbled upon the phrase 'twin flames' twice; the first time I was browsing youtube for law of attraction videos when a video entitled Why Do Twin Flames Have So Many Problems? appeared in the recommended videos section. Given that my Love and I's relationship had been littered with problems and obstacles since the beginning, something about the the video's title piqued my interest. I don't remember it making much of an impression on me, but it planted a seed in my head.
The second time was shortly after the 'two week window' when he unceremoniously shut me out again. I was researching psychological reasons why someone would just shut down upon another person when I happened upon this post in a blog entitled Twin Souls: Silence Is Golden. And there it was again, that phrase: Twin Flames.
I've already said that I don't believe in co-incidences, and after following the blog for several months now, I may not always agree with everything this blogger says, or how she says it, but in that one post in particular she describes absolutely everything I was experiencing at that moment - everything. It awakened my inner Alice in Wonderland and prompted me to do some research of my own.
Now, if you search 'signs or symptoms of a twin flame relationship', you will find hundreds, maybe even thousands of articles, most of which list very vague, non-specific signs such 'feeling an intense or telepathic connection to your partner' or 'a sense of familiarity, like you have known the person before.'
I'm not saying that those things aren't signs of being in a twin flame relationship, I'm just saying I don't think those things are exclusive to twin flames. You can experience those things with anyone, in my personal opinion.
The article I read, which I unfortunately cannot seem to find, was very oddly specific. How specific, you ask? Well, let me tell you.
It stated, you might be a twin flame if:
...there is a significant age gap between you and your partner were born on different continents met under unusual or unconventional circumstances met due to a common goal or interest have feelings for this person that you can't explain have a lot in common but are very different from each other, almost opposites in a lot of ways
...there have been periods of enforced separation and or/silence between you or both of you have at one time or another have felt the need to 'run' from the relationship feel like the 'black sheep' of your respective families and like you never really 'belonged' in the place in you were born and grew up in feel a sense of belonging with this person
...things that would have been deal-breakers in other relationships are suddenly not an issue when it comes to this person have had to face more obstacles and challenges than most in order to be together
I know people often describe things as making the hairs on the back their neck stand on end but, I swear to God, mine actually did.
It was like someone had read actual conversations between my Love and I, wrote them down verbatim in article form, and left it there for me to find and read.
And the more I researched, the more my heart sank. There seemed to be a distinct pattern that most people were only tipped off about the true nature of their relationship when the bizarre behaviour when twin flames separate and go into their respective corners, occurs.
Separation is only ever supposed to be temporary (I'm going to save my venom and disdain for the twin flame community for another day as that deserves an article of it's own, but I don't buy into the idea that a twin flame is 'only there to heal you') but there was a noticeable lack of those who were able to make it beyond this phase.
I read article after article, testimony after testimony of those who had gotten stuck in constant loops of blame, avoidance, manipulation, cruelty, hurt, denial etc. for months, years... decades! Youtube videos of people who swore they were fine with not being able to be with their twin, who claimed they had 'surrendered to the process' but would still break down in tears at the thought of them, even if they hadn't seen them in years.
I know it's tempting to think that people incorrectly slap the 'twin flame' label on their troubled relationships just because it sounds romantic and poetic - and believe me I've seen that happen - but I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted no part of it.
I wanted to be in a relationship where we could resolve our problems with communication, honesty and transparency - not one that would 'heal' me by mirroring my issues and fears back to me through silence and avoidance!
I slammed my laptop shut, tossed it to the foot of the bed, pulled the covers over my head and pretended that I hadn't read what I'd just read. But I couldn't do it. I knew, I just knew. It's hard to explain if you've never experienced it, but I knew.
It was like something leaned over me and gently whispered in my ear, "Told you..."
(To be continued)
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