Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Dream Diary #113: Game of Homes

For some reason, my mother, my sister and I had moved into a new house together, along with my sister's kids without my father and sister's husband.

Even though the house was located in a fairly urban setting, it seemed really isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. This feeling was exacerbated by the fact that the town seemed to be in a perpetual state of twilight and the house was in disrepair, almost derelict even.

However, one of the amazing things about the house was the garden which had an enormous pond-like swimming pool. 

The pool, like the house, was shabby and overgrown with plant life. The water was crystal clear and you could see an overabundance of pond scum and algae clinging to the bottom. In spite of this, I was very excited at the prospect of having our very own pool in our backyard and wanted to jump right in, even though it hadn't been cleaned yet. 

As it turned out, I didn't even need to go directly into the water to enjoy it as the various plants and flowers were sentient, interactive beings! I had so much fun sitting on the lily pads and letting them float me around the water. The plants even started to play games with me, creating little assault courses on top of the water.

It was like seeing the world through the eyes of a child again, where everything was a potential game or adventure.

Eventually, I was called to go inside, and just as my sister and I were about to enter the doorway to the house, my sister slipped and fell. At first, I thought she'd slipped on water but she said that it was amniotic fluid and that 'the doctor had warned her this might happen'. I was very puzzled because although my sister has had three children in real-life, they were all born via c-section and she has not given birth that recently, nor was there any indication that she had done so recently in the dream either.

Nevertheless, an ambulance was called, and for some reason the presence of the emergency services brought everyone in the neighbourhood out of their hiding places as dozens of people crowded round to see what was going on.

I, too, was concerned about my sister but I was also conscious about getting in the way of the paramedics doing their job so I hung back and observed from afar.