I arrived in a picturesque remote town in rural USA. I was trying to get to another state but my plane ticket had only managed to get me as far as this unnamed town. I knew I had to get to the airport and buy another ticket to get to my final destination but I didn't drive and didn't know anyone to give me a lift, so I decided I would have to hitchhike and started to ask strangers for directions.
The information I got was very confusing and contradictory with one person telling me to go this way and then another telling me to go in the opposite direction.
Exhausted and weary, I decided to take some time out from my travels and stay in the town I was in for a while, to rest and re-calibrate my plans.
Luckily, the town had a hotel in it so I asked for a room. The locals seemed intrigued by me and were a bit standoffish at first but soon warmed to me when they saw how in love with the town I was.
The town itself wasn't much to look at from the outside but I quickly fell for the remote location and the vast, wide open fields that sent my amateur photographer senses tingling.
The town also offered a very unique tourist attraction in the form of a partially free range petting zoo in the centre with all manner of animals - some not even native to the USA - on display.
Of course, I was dying to take pictures but every time I pointed my camera, someone would instantly stand in my way. They didn't do it deliberately, but there weren't that many people in the town so it was puzzling how someone always managed to get in the way of my shot.
I was having such an amazing time that I found myself running through all the scenarios in my head that would allow me stay there permanently.